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Chief Editor’s message- Going Green: East Asian Archives of Psychiatry

Dear readers,

The East Asian Archives of Psychiatry will be going green starting from Volume 34, Issue 4, December issue. I believe these changes will not only benefit the environment but also enhance your reading experience. Your support is crucial as we embark on this green journey together, making a positive impact on our world.

The East Asian Archives of Psychiatry will maintain a quarterly publication and available online at easap.asia.

Thank you for your continuous support to the East Asian Archives of Psychiatry!

Best regards,

Dr Sherry Chan
Chief Editor
East Asian Archives of Psychiatry

All CME / CPD online quizzes, currently accessible through iCMECPD, will only be available on the Academy’s Learning Management System set up under eHKAM (eHKAM LMS) commencing from 1 July 2023. Register your eHKAM ID here now.
CME/CPD Programme
East Asian Archives of Psychiatry would like to invite Fellows of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists, and College Members/Inceptors who have registered for the MCHK CME Programme to participate in the CME/CPD programme by answering a quiz related to an article published in the current issue.
Points for CME/CPD Programme:

Fellows: 1 CME/CPD point under the category of Online Self Study (SSOL) per article 

MCHK: 1 CME/CPD point passive per article

Please refer to the page for more information of the programme

Current Issue - Volume 34, Number 4, Dec issue

Highlighted Articles

Catatonia and osmotic demyelination syndrome in a patient with schizophrenia: a case report
Hoi Ying Choi, Men Ming Bonnie Chiu, Yung Kong Wong, Wai Tat Chan
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