Hong Kong J Psychiatry 2003;13(3):31
Book Review
Editors: Johnson B, Ruiz P, Galanter M.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2003. US$39.95; pp316; ISBN: 0-7817-4158-0
This is really a handbook in the literal sense of the word as it is of hand-size, and not only concise and comprehensive. The book provides a quick reference to the topic, starting with a brief introduction to the basic neurobiology of alcoholism and then concentrating on treatment aspects as the book’s title promises.
Different modalities of treatment in the biopsychosocial context are systematically covered and widely referenced. The section on special issues targets topics such as foetal alcohol syndrome and alcohol problems in women. The Brief Behavioural Compliance Enhancement Treatment (BBCET) manual is included in the Appendix. Most interesting is the inclusion of a chapter on Socio-cultural and individual influences on alcohol use and abuse by adolescents and
young adults in such a short book, although the topic is not covered in great depth.
In brief, this small book is good enough for a quick reference to the treatment of alcoholism and would serve local junior trainees well. One major drawback is the way the small print of the text is presented as it is difficult to read.
Dr CM Leung
Consultant Psychiatrist
Department of Psychiatry
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong